“Pakistan Provides” values the importance of customer satisfaction therefore, we provide our customers the options of Refund, free Return and Exchange within 7 days after the delivery of the order ONLY in following cases:
- The delivered product does not match the description, detail and specification mentioned by the sellers on our website/Sellers page.
- The delivered product at the time of delivery is damaged, broken, or non-functional, In such case please call on our helpline within few hours of parcel delivery to register your complain.
- The product DOES NOT get damage by customer while using it or opening the parcel.
The following terms and conditions apply on the Return, Exchange, and Refund claims:
- The product is returned in its original condition and same packaging in which it was received by customer.
- Returned products should not have any repairing or wear-and-tear marks.
- If any product has its different parts and components, all should be returned without missing any part, otherwise customer claim will be null and void.
How to Claim for Return, Exchange, and Refund?
Customer can submit his/her claim request by sending us an email at info@pakistanprovides.com with the following details:
- Customer Name
- Your order number
- Return product(s)
- Picture of damaged, broken or non-functional product.
- Reason(s) for the claim
- Claim option: (Return / Exchange / Refund)
- Any additional information
Our support Team will coordinate with you to verify and proceed with your claim. It may take from 7 to 14 business days to process your claim requests